Completely related

Completely relatedCompletely related
  1. Staff can see the completely related information concerning vehicle on systematic computer only according to the button of remote control device .


  2. Being assisted is not completely related with moral issues , but being cared for is an important part of moral education .


  3. Conclusions The neuroprotective effects of mannitol are not completely related to its dehydration effect , but associated with decreasing NO content and inhibiting neural apoptosis .


  4. And the oligoclones could be classified into not related ( 54.5 % ), partially related ( 27.3 % ) and completely related ( 18.2 % ) according to homology of CDR3sequence in an individual patient .


  5. Researcher in the study of such projects , can use different research methods or statistical methods . Thus , people can understand completely the related factors of employment intention of students in preschool teacher training school and policy direction .


  6. In order to achieve the balance between risk management and profitability , the traditional way is to calculate a simply summation after get the loss reserve of each type of risk . This method implies that losses of different risks are completely positive related .


  7. Moreover , patent system in our country does not deny completely software related business methods patent . If being implemented by computer , and " uses technical means , solves technical problems , obtains technical effect ", software related business methods will become the patentable subject matter .


  8. To completely disclose the related information concerned with intangible assets through the main financial statement , the attached forms and annotations .


  9. Through the collection of related literature and combing the related points in personal knowledge management , the thesis give a summary of PKM connotation , future development , practical applications etc , and completely elaborating the related theories of PKM .


  10. Because the development of high-tech industry depends on the development of high-tech enterprise , we research in evaluating growth condition and constructing growth strategy of high-tech enterprise in Heilongjiang province . Firstly , this thesis completely introduces the related theories about high-tech enterprise , enterprise growth and enterprise strategy .


  11. Results : Doxazosin was completely separated from its related substances .


  12. Naturally , the cognition of it completely and accurately is related to whether the integrative practical activities curriculum will be implemented well .


  13. Patients do not usually choose the course of their medical treatment , so they shouldn 't be held completely responsible for decisions related to it .


  14. The step ( 1 ) mentioned in point 3 above is the most challenging problem , which has not been solved completely yet . A related but relatively simpler problem is studied to lay the foundation for a further investigation of the step ( 1 ) .
